Monday, August 16, 2010

Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety

How To Go From Novice To Expert Public Speaker In Three Days...

I recall my 9th grade English class on the first day of school and how devastated and embarrassed I was. My pleasant and appealing teacher with a big smile on her face walked around to each of us oblivious freshmen and offered us a piece of yarn that was attached still to the spool. I watched as my classmates pulled long and short pieces of yarn. When it came my turn I cut off a long piece of yarn. Lo and behold, we had to stand and tell about ourselves while wrapping the yarn around our finger. The longer the piece of yarn, the longer your oral self-description had to be. I stood and began to wrap that red yarn around my finger and all I muttered was, "My nam, ma, ma, my name is." Then I sat down. My teacher graciously smiled and moved on to the next item for business as I was the last student to present. Needless to say I felt defeated all day knowing that I did not control that anxiety associated with public speaking before my peers.

Visit the expert page for more information on how to overcome public speaking anxiety.

Twenty years later I can't say that I don't still get nervous, but I know that preparation,practice, and prayer are keys to my success! These three factors remove the fear, but that doesn't mean to say I don't struggle with not wanting to engage crowds of folk. When I am around family or at my church, I am most comfortable. I am also comfortable with someone to share the lime light or when seated. I teach 100 something days out of the year and can say I have no problems there. So you see, I am an over-comer! You can be too:Q

For those of you who share my plight and wish to learn more about how to overcome public speaking anxiety, visit Public Speaking Extraordinaire!